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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Looking at the illustration above, you can see the distribution of body fat. Understanding this, you will not see the worry and panic when you follow DAS and your body’s measurement doesn’t reduce at all.

The first is subcutaneous fat - fat under the skin, can be touched, very easily. This fat is only about half the total of the body fat only.

The remaining 1/2 of our body fat is visceral fat located in the abdomen, inside the body. This fat, we cannot feel.

Most of followers of DAS always think they can quickly to reduce the number of measurement loops and be thin quickly. But no one has enough knowledge to look at the problem of fat loss in term of scientific at all. This is one of the mistakes that mindset you need to give up and change.

Author notes: Something DAS followers need to remember 

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Friday, August 5, 2016

Through this picture, we will understand why following to DAS, skin will become ruddy and beautiful than eating after ordinary way. Because DAS provides a high amount of protein, fat, collagen which provides materials for the skin cells to be regenerated.

Contrary to many people’s thought, vitamin C does not play any role in the process of regeneration and skin beauty – Instead, protein, fat, collagen play a major role.

Therefore, those who eat more fruits and vegetables but abstain from meat which makes the body rapidly aging, wrinkle skin and lifeless.
Meanwhile DAS offers a full variety of vitamins, minerals, along with all kinds of nutrients such as protein, fat v ... v. DAS didn’t lack of any one type of nutrients at all

Credit: DR Anh (DAS Owner)
Author Notes: Are you a vegetarian? Or Have you ever only eat fruit and vegetable in a specific period? Please tell me if all of information above is true or not? Because I am really confused. Can you guys share your thought about it? 

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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

If fat is man, it would probably be condemned unjust, most wrong on this earth. It is attributed to all sorts of crimes even though fat absolutely do not do anything to cause obesity, heart disease, blood fat, unhealthy or whatever. And the truth is, Fat is very beneficial to the body because:

- Fat as energy for mental body is better than carbohydrates. Because energy from fat is stable and long-term. Help we eat little all day without hunger and tired.

- Fat increases the body's immune system, and as a solvent to absorb nutrients into the body. Fat also helps lubricate muscles, joints and reduce muscle pain.

- Fat takes care of beautiful chestnut ruddy skin, reduce acne, thanks to fat which has more collagen to increase the elasticity of the skin. This feature is no one kind of cosmetics to be.

Because the essential characteristic of Fat, Natural has "integrated" fat into the meat products, eggs, fish v ... v. Even in breast milk saturated fat content is very high, to provide nutrients, enhance the immune system to children. Breastfed babies are developing a more comprehensive than children not breastfed.

Yet today we are deliberately going against nature by boycott away everything related to fat, skim milk, chicken without the skin ect…

In short, if you want a comprehensive health and beauty, Fat is your faithful effectively companion.

Credit: DR ANH (DAS founder) 

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Sunday, July 31, 2016

After a period of research and testing, DR Anh has found out EDAS the 6-1 mode is perfect for DAS follower for the following reasons:

1. 6 days low calories, low CARB for the body to burn fat enough. Enough to prepare the body into a state of depression.

2. 1 day relax with High Calories, High Carb will shock the whole metabolism of the body -> burn fat faster in the following days, helps the body not fall into a depression too long -> slowly reduce fat.

3. Suitable for schedule of officer, from Monday to the Saturday diet seriously then Sunday relax. You can eat whatever you want.

Author notes: For me, I choose EDAS with 3-1-2-1 mode. Because it is easy to follow (more of that I can't stand not to eat carb 6 days). How about you guys? 

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Many women are overweight, then find ways to be able to lose weight quickly. Psychological grasp, many salons offer attractive advertising such as slimming massage, melt belly fat. However, its performance is not really as they said.

1. Massage increases the activity of the musculoskeletal

This is only a passive approach stimulates the circulatory system in place rather increases musculoskeletal activity. Therefore, in principle there is no power consumption during the massage.

2. Steaming, hot wrapping

Steaming only causes the body to sweat more, causing weight loss-in short time. But after that, the body will adjust and add water to balance physiological. So losing weight by this way is not substance. It is only useful when you need to quickly fit in the beautiful dress in a certain event.

3. Cellulite cream

When using this method, it is only effective same as massage. Even when the active ingredient in the cream really work, it is difficult to take the fat penetrates deep as lower abdomen, hips, thighs. Currently, some salons use that methods with herbal, advertise that will lose belly fat and help increase fat metabolism, but the real effect is not clear yet.

4. Reduce fat by using electrical impulses

It is considered very little effective. Although, in terms of form, the movement also happens, but it is kind of passive movement, very low energy consumption, not even compare with walking.

5. Abdominal liposuction

This cause subcutaneous fat in the waist area, abdomen, thighs reduced significantly. However, this is how beauty affects health. Weight loss after liposuction is not entirely fat that contains nearly 60% water.

6. Abdominal belts and heated massage

The effects of abdominal belts certainly lower than the hand massage. Temperature to melt the fat in the body is often very high. So, unable to melt the fat under the temperature that does not hurt the skin and other cells.

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Model of a standard Mc Donald meal includes: fries, hamburger and cocacola

People think McDonalds or other fast food type are the causes of obesity due to using too much greasy, and fatty meat and ect. Even McDonald has been forced to reduce the fat content in their product - ie using lean beef, then reduce grease in potato chips, reduced fat mayonnaise sauce etc

Yet, eventually the number of obese people because of McDonald gave no reduction, even increased. Although McDonald tried hard to reduce fats in their meal?

So the reason is? The answer is simple. We have concluded the wrong culprit of obesity. The culprit is obesity, not fat, or lipid. But which is in rapid metabolism Carb – in Mc Donald case is cocacola’s sugar, hamburger shells made from refined wheat flour, potato starch filled.

Because of misperceptions perpetrators of obesity. We have failed in the fight against the obesity epidemic - simply because the reduction of fat in the daily meal will lead us enhance more carbohydrate to eat up to replace -> fat becomes fatter.


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Friday, July 22, 2016

Doing an at-home workout program offers a number of clear advantages compared to going to the gym, and for many people, it’s simply the only approach that they can keep up with. An at-home workout saves you the cost of a gym membership, and for those who are tight on time, it can be more ideal since you can just step right into your basement and get started.

Learning which movements are going to serve you best for your at-home workout will help ensure that you can create one that’s time-effective and will bring you the results that you’re looking for.

With just a simple set of dumbbells and your own body weight, you can perform any of the exercises listed. If these are too difficult or not challenging enough, look up the progression series online to find the right adjustment for you.

The Details:

· Push-Ups. Push-ups can be performed with the hands or feet up on the couch, or if you want a real challenge, with your feet up on an exercise ball instead.

· Squats. Bodyweight squats are a great movement for getting your heart rate higher and working all the muscles in the lower body.

· Split squats. Placing one leg up on a bench behind you, move into the lunge position, your front leg bent at a 90-degree angle. This variation is a perfect way to challenge your glutes and build a stronger butt.

· Deadlifts. Dumbbell deadlifts are a great strength-building exercise that targets your lower back and burns plenty of calories.

· Shoulder presses. This movement is good for hitting all three heads of the shoulder muscles while working the triceps at the same time.

· Chair dips. This exercise can be done on any chair you have around the house and is a great move for burning underarm flab.

· Reverse lunges. If you want to really challenge your core, this exercise will work the lower body as well. Just be sure to do it in an open space for safety.

· Jump lunges. This exercise is excellent for hitting the entire lower body while burning up a high amount of calories at the same time. If you don’t have more than a few minutes to spare, do these lunges to make the most of your workout time.

· Bent-over rows. You can’t beat this exercise for building a stronger back while strengthening your biceps.

· Mountain climbers. This cardio movement will burn up calories and strengthen the core all at once.

· Chest press. Doing this dumbbell move is a good way to challenge the chest, shoulders and triceps. Be sure to keep your back pressed into the floor at all times to avoid straining your lower back.

Author notes: If you don't want to go to gym for whatever reasons, why don't you try all those exercise below in your own home? 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016



People who just follow DAS after 7-10 days and didn’t receive what they expect ( like losing 5-10 kgs) – impossible. And then they GIVE UP.

Eating too much:

After 14 days, theory has stated that we only should eat enough for the body’s need. But the newbie just eat whatever they want even they feel full already. We said that we don’t eat CARB so we can stop the fat making process but eating too much (even not CARB), the body still have lots of energy. That’s when you don’t gain weigh but also not losing either

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence

Not only DAS but also follow many other methods. The result is NOTHING WORKS.

Author Notes: Ok first of all I have to say sorry again for not posting regular as before (my personal reasons). And yes for all that time I have not followed Low CARb/ DAS completely and the result as I mentioned in the previous post, I had gain some weights (again). SoI talked to DR Anh about my depression of my failed diet and he gave me some words (those mistakes above). Yes I made all three of them and I feel like I have to to it all over again. If you guys have the same problems as me or make the same mistake, don't worry we can try again. Try and try and try until we are successful. 
Like the photo of this post "Learning from mistakes, don't be afraid of them"

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authorHello, my name is Nelly Lu. I'm a 23 year old over weight girl try to fight with her laziness to make her life healthier. Not only me, you too (the one who’s reading this line). Want to know me more?